Learn About Spring Season and changes that occur with the weather, sunlight, animals, and more! Join Mister Kipley, Charlie the Monkey, Oliver Mouse, and a funny new animated character, Professor Smartfeller, as they explore how our environment changes as we move from winter to spring.
Learn science vocabulary like EQUINOX, HIBERNATE, MIGRATE. Learn about animals that migrate for the winter and return in spring, and animals that stay and hibernate.
Learn about the changes in weather, and why the days seem longer as the spring season arrives.
Here are some questions about spring for students to discuss in class:
What is the first day of spring called?
Why do the days seem longer in spring?
What is it called when animals travel somewhere warm for the winter and return in spring?
Do you notice any different animals in your neighborhood when spring arrives?
What is it called when animals sleep through the winter?
Finally, what’s your favorite thing to do in spring?